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Following the Path of Scripture

Finding Our Way in the Midst of Confusion

It is no exaggeration to say that we live in an age of information overload. As Christians, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, unsure of which direction to take. Although God has clearly shown us the way through the Bible, it often feels difficult to understand. Many people, confident in their religious beliefs, claim that their way is the right one. These clai..
It is no exaggeration to say that we live in an age of information overload. As Christians, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, unsure of which direction to take. Although God has clearly shown us the way through the Bible, it often feels difficult to understand. Many people, confident in their religious beliefs, claim that their way is the right one. These claims are all very appealing. So, what should we follow in such times?
The Reformers advocated “Ad fontes,” which means “back to the sources.” The ‘source’ they referred to is the Word of God, the Bible. No matter how attractive other claims and ideologies may be, we must keep the Bible at the center. However, we should not view the Bible merely literally, nor should we ignore the text and focus solely on symbolism. Therefore, while upholding traditional liturgy, we must also reform incorrect practices based on the teachings of Jesus.
This book was written to find answers to these concerns and questions. We need to discover God’s will through the Bible and consider how to apply it to our lives. This book aims not just to convey the content of the Bible but to help modern Christians understand and practice it.
I hope that through this book, readers will gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word and find a way to transform their lives through it. I also hope this book will be a steadfast companion on their faith journey. I pray that God will bestow grace and wisdom upon many through this book. Thank you.
Pastor Dongbo Huh is currently serving as the senior pastor of SUHYUN Church. He is the CEO of SUHYUN Books and also works as a psychological counselor and practical music instructor. Additionally, he is an author of books such as “Beginner’s Hebrew Penmanship” and “Beginner’s Greek Penmanship”. Pastor Huh grew up in challenging circumstances, and he uses these experiences to bring hope and courage to many people. His ministry and educational activities provide spiritual growth and academic achievement to many.

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